• Dr. Princess Briggs, Briggs Education Consulting & Support

    Before working with Genevieve Carvil-Harris, I spent thousands of dollars working with other coaches, and wasted valuable time trying to piece together segmented ideas, goals, and business strategies. I was frustrated and felt like a hamster on a wheel - moving but making no progress. Then, I decided to give America's Favorite Capacity Building Strategist a try! Genevieve was like a breath of fresh air and music to my ears. Thanks to Genevieve, my confidence is boosted, my thoughts are clearer, and I am on the way to living my business dreams!

  • Irvon Plummer, TEEDC Inc.

    Genevieve Carvil-Harris is simply spectacular! From Day 1 when I started working with her about 10 years ago, she has helped me raise capital, helped me get into rooms that I didn't know I could be in, and has honestly helped me become the business man that I am today. She is the BEST at what she does. If you can work with her, DO IT, like RIGHT NOW!

  • Zay Bryant, XCYTE Fitness

    Gen has done so much as far as mentoring me in my business. I'm just so happy that I stumbled across the Gamechangers group and become a part of the family too. She has provided so many resources and has been the mentor that will encourage me to do better and grow the business. I didn't even know how to write eBooks before Gen taught me! She helped me start my 501(c)3 Foundation and helped me build revenue with my fitness business. I appreciate Gen and I look forward to the future!

  • Jenny Rainey, Ladies of Alpha & Omega

    Gen is BOMB! I remember getting stuck on my 501(c)3 process and I called the IRS for MONTHS and had no success. Then I called Genevieve and she made sense of EVERYTHING. In less than 30 days, after working with Gen I received my non-profit tax-exempt status! She is always readily available to assist her clients and is a gem to the community. If you are looking for someone to help you with your business or non-profit, connect with Gen because she does it all! I'm so grateful for everything she has done and all of the connections I've received by working with her!

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In 2024 Gen has stated that she wants to help as many people WIN as possible.

The Gamechangers goal should at least be $1k a day from your products and services. Some will even make more! Start today by getting this GAMECHANGING system today. If you follow every step and don't see a change in 90 days then you can get your money back!

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Use Gen's A.B.C. system to start & grow your business

“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together”- African Proverb


is the exact method that we use to help our clients start and grow their online businesses with ease all at ONE TIME!

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Want to pick Gen's brain? Do you need a strategy for clarity or focus? We have just what you need!

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You're a Gamechanger, It's Time to LOOK LIKE ONE. When you purchase a piece from the Mindset Sold Separately Collection you invest in the training of a Young Gamechanger!

Our Young Gamechanger Program empowers creative minds from ages 6-17 to become leaders in their respective fields from an early age. Can you say "Gamechanger Advantage"?